Health and wellness


Stay properly hydrated with LMNT, our favorite electrolyte mix. We like it for its clean ingredients, effectiveness, and of course the flavor!

Flavors include Grapefruit, Citrus, Orange, Raspberry, Watermelon, Mango Chili, and Raw (salt).

Learn more about the science behind LMNT here.

For fun drink ideas and other ways to use LMNT, click here.

Can’t make it into the office? Order here and get a free sample pack with your purchase!

supplements & Essential Oils

We want to nourish our bodies and while we would love to get all our nutrients through whole foods as much as we can, sometimes our bodies need the extra support through quality supplements.

Our providers have trusted brands we use ourselves and recommend to patients such as Biotics, Klaire Labs, Thorne, Pure Encapsulations and more! Through Fullscript, we are able to provide our patients a 15% discount on all orders.

We also carry Living Libations products, and various doTERRA oils in the office for purchase.

Mobility, Functional training, Rehab

Function & Mobility

While exercise is crucial to developing a healthy body and mind, we are even more focused on the quality of movement. Our movement can change from season to season in our lives and especially after injury, which can make returning to exercise after injury challenging.

To help bridge the gap between treatment and returning to full recreational activity, we offer 1:1 sessions at the gym for a full body functional assessment with guidance on warm up and mobility and to workshop movements specific to your needs.

Book a free 15-min phone consult with Dr. Tom.